mercredi 23 juillet 2008

home protein contemporary art

Same protein as previous, but this time put in a room with daylight (the scene comes from don't know if I would like such art in my appartment ...

lundi 21 juillet 2008

protein breakfast & lunch

I dedicated this picture for all people who think, live, wakeup etc... with protein structure. The scene is come from The protein come from the PDB (

vendredi 18 juillet 2008

better test (SSS)

a new test of this green material. Less rendering time on a more powerfull computer...(25min)...
This can be for sure optimised...but I like the way the atom appear behind the surface...(clic to enlarge).

rendering test

Its just a test, but it took more than 4hours on my poor computer...(click to enlarge the picture)

mercredi 25 juin 2008

small heat-shock protein

During my last post-doc i had work on small heat shock protien assembly using some nice tools for doing symmetrical restrained computational docking. Thus, as usual i try to produce some nice graphism, and here is a exemple of the HSP16.5 24mer respresented as cartoon ribbon fitted in the molecular shape computed in the molsoft icm package.

samedi 7 juin 2008

Pushing the Boundaries of Biomolecular Simulation

I am really happy to show the poster that I will present during the Pushing the Boundaries of Biomolecular Simulation meeting ( Many important people from the molecular modeling fields will be present and I hope they will enjoy my litlle poster...

mardi 27 mai 2008

Proteins Blocks

A litle attempt to get nices pictures illustrating proteins blocks. You can find more details on the web site of Alexandre De Brevern.

mardi 29 avril 2008

hand shadow

For me, beautifull results happens accidently.Here is an exemple of hasard. Thats fun this face appearing in the background, like hand shadow coming from the "Nightmare Before christmas" movie.

jeudi 24 avril 2008

Nice video that i have found on a friends web site (

"The video was created by me (Michael Wesch), working alone from my house in St. George, Kansas. I used CamStudio for the screen captures and Sony Vegas for the panning/cropping/zooming animations. Someday I might make a video tutorial for those who are interested."

mardi 22 avril 2008

Protein-Protein Interaction Website

The most relevant place to find information about protein-protein is the JBC Protein-Protein Interaction Website :

You should find all the litterature, software, database, company, meeting, course, tutorial etc...about protein-protein interaction. Put it on your favorites if it is not the case!

vendredi 18 avril 2008

bezier curve for protein ruban

Thats dones! I am quite happy to finally get a nice protein worm representation directly in blender. But there is still the coloring method problem...I have to associate vertex with material according physical property...And try to display arrow and helix for secondary structure type...
(thanks to the blender tutorial here : and the API help)

Can a Biologist Fix a Radio?

This is not news, and I am not the first to post this, but as much it is diffuse the better it is!
here it is the : Can a Biologist Fix a Radio? (PDF - 469 KB), by Yuri Lazebnik. It’s all about how experimental biologists would try to find out how a radio works. The article suggests that an engineering-like approach would lead to a deeper understanding of how cells work (last time i have saw it reasonable deviation, also on Freelancing Science and God Plays Dice).

mardi 15 avril 2008

blender protein ribbon

I continue to play around python and blender API. Thats not easy, but copy/past technics gives some result...Thus, i currently explore the curve system. Each point have the coordinate of an atom, and define a nurb curve. Thats not realistic, I had to improve it to use bezier curve (BezTriple class).

The result (simple, not sophiticated as it is just modeling test, and I have no idea of what color is good or not...dyschromatopsy!):

mardi 8 avril 2008

dsimb - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

samedi 29 mars 2008

DSIMB - Dynamique des Structures et Interactions des Macromolécules Biologiques

My laboratory have his new web site on-line at this url :
Currently under construction, this web site gives some information on the different research thematics handle by the lab. Except mine as i already didn't send my contribution to the webmaster!!.

mercredi 26 mars 2008

blender armatures and protein's cube

As I work around molecular graphism, i am trying all methods that can be available. This time it is the powerfull blender and his python API. Generally, I first generated the protein object using an ancilliary software like VMD or ICM, but i was thinking about a direct way to use PDB files in 3d modeling package. There is some plug-in for blender, 3DSmax or maya, but they just get atom as sphere. In the other hand you can easily find on the web some python API dedicated for molecular modeling. Thus, i am currently trying this path. And here are my first result. All sphere or cube are group in amino acid. And you can select any subselection available for protein (amino acid, atom, secondary structure, etc..).
The script is at his begining so i cannot put it here, but when or if I have a clean version i will post it for sure. Because, for instance i need to add material for each type of atom or amino acid.
The first one is just an idea i have with a friend (richard eudes), about why always visualize protein as sphere and not CUBE...

This second exemple illustrate the carbon alpha (Cube) connected using blender armature's bones. The bones are rendering using the script from

I think about trying metaball of type Cube, and also some collision in blender.....

mardi 25 mars 2008

Docking contact pairs occurence

Docking or montecarlo procedure produce a huge number of conformation that have to be analysed. As bioinformatician we generally wrote some script to help in such task. In the present exemple, I explain how to calculate/analyse the amino acid occurence of presence at the interface, and furthermore, the occurence of particular pairs of residues in contact. All is done in the ICM package (, and lead to produce 3D plot of matrice of pair contact.

The icm code (for example, not complete for clarity purpose):

#All this script is place in the loop exploring all the conformation (ie stack or trajectories)
load conf i OR load frame i
#method1 get the residues from each partnairs at the interface for a particular pose
show surface area a_1.// a_1.//
inter1=Res(Sphere(a_2.//* a_1.//* 4.) & Acc(a_1./*))
show surface area a_2.// a_2.//
inter2=Res(Sphere(a_1.//* a_2.//* 4.) & Acc(a_2./*))

#method2 get the pairs residues at the interface for a particular pose
t=Area(a_2./A, a_1./A)
read column group name="aa" input=s_out

#given the list of pair, creating the matrix of occurence
for j=1,Nof(aa)

#Zscore/normalisation of the matrix
for i=1,Nof(RI12[1,?])
for j=2,Nof(RI12[?,1])
#normal plot
plot area RI12 grid link ds

#3D plot
make grob solid "3dp_plot_name" ZRI12 x y 0.5 # scales for x,y and z

jeudi 20 mars 2008

logo DSIMB

Continuation of the logo's work. This time i have tried the svg import option of blender. Namely, you can export spline made in inkscape or gimp to blender in order to extrude them.
Here is an exemple, the text comes from Aurelie Bornot and are then convert to path in inkscape and save as svg file. Loaded in blender to extrude and modify (blend) to follow the sphere shape.
There is still work to do, get plain text, modify the D color, modify the M form, and change the background to transparent...

mercredi 12 mars 2008

structural alphabet soupe

I like this animation. For the details it is a molecular dynamic (gromacs) play in reverse mode. I have produce the letter using ... that I have made for some reason..
The rendering was done using VMD and gelato

molecular gift

I have found this web site, I think they propose origninal gift for you entourage!

(i found the link on the Inkling Magazine - On the hunch that science rocks web blog:

jeudi 28 février 2008

Chemical sunflow

A new test of the sunflow rendering engine. Just to see how render the metal material in a simple scene...

DARC docking

I am actually working on some report on my research. And for that purpose I have this several images representing my preliminar results which comes from rigid-body and flexible docking.

mardi 26 février 2008

DSIMB logo

I have play around the DSIMB motif, which is the new name for my actual laboratory (EBGM).
DSIMB is for "Dynamique et Structure des interactions des macromolécules biologiques".
The first one were using my ABCgen web server, which have produce the pdb file for the text "DSIMB", and then using VMD exported to gelato. Layer were add in the gimp.
The second serie comes from Blender.
The last one correspond to an idea from Aurélie Bornot which is a phd in the lab.

vendredi 15 février 2008


In my search for nice molecular graphism, i am trying a lot of 3d render engine. I would like to put here some picture done with the last I have found on the web : Sunflow ( It is a java based rendering engine, and he works really fine. It is really easy to use, and the API seems well documented.
The following image was done from their aliens_shiny exemple merge with the cornell_box exemple.
I have to tried the ambiant occlusion shader, and see if it simple to automatize sunflow in a pipeline.

My first test:


I have made a litle script in the ICM (molsoft) package. It permit me to observe the position of the docking search by sphere (one sphere one ligand position), color by the number of visit. The representation is load in VMD and render to Gelato. The different pass were merged in gimp using the "value" mode.
For interested people, here is the litle icm script:

#generate a polyA sequence string
for i=1,Nof(conf)

#build the polyA peptide and make only the Ca
build string IcmSequence( s1 "nter" "cooh" ) name= Name( Name( "dot" simple ), object )
makeCaTrace a_dot.
delete a_dot.

#for every conformation generatd during the docking, assign to the Ca atom the position of the Center of Mas of the ligand, and assign the number of visit to the atom's Bfactor

for i=1,Nof(conf)
load conf i
set a_dot_ca.m/t/ca Mean(Xyz(a_2.a))
set bfactor a_dot_ca.m/t/ca Real(tm.nvis [i] )

#then color by bfactor
color a_dot_ca.//* Bfactor(a_dot_ca.//*)

and the resulting figure :

mardi 29 janvier 2008

ADN images

Still playing with gelato. In this case i have use ray-traced shadow and indirect light in addition to the ambiant occlusion pass. Namely:

Light("light2", "distantlight", "float intensity", 1, "color lightcolor", (1, 1, 1), "point from", (1, 2, 0.5), "point to", (0, 0, 0),"string shadowname", "shadow","float shadowblur", 0,"float shadowsamples", 16,"float __nonspecular",0)
Light("light4", "indirectlight", "string indirectname", "indirect","float intensity", 0.5, "string sdbmode", "","float samples" ,64,"float bias" , 0.1)

Then all is loaded as layer in the gimp, and i use the grain merge mode with 50% opacity of the beauty pass.

The scene have a transparent background. (click to enlarge the picture)

lundi 28 janvier 2008

new gelato image test

Some other exemples of my gelato test. I have tried some differents shader in addition to the ambiant occlusion. There is transparancy, plastic postgloss pretexture shader test. Then I have used the Gimp to combine the different layer...
In this case the protein object comes from the ICM package ((c)Molsoft The latest icm version permit to export in clean wavefront object (thanks to Levon Budagyan). But the software is not free, as he includes molecular modeling algorithm like protein docking, and the free version doesn't permit to export.
For include this wavefront object in gelato, i have used the obj importer from Bill Robertson (

mercredi 23 janvier 2008

DARC molecular dynamics

This a first test on my research project on the DARC protein. This is the result of a molecular dynamics used in order to refine a complex previously obtain by combination of flexible and rigid-body docking. The animated gif was generated using my local pmg script which export the trajectory from VMD to gelato, and then create the gif or a avi movie (combining ambiant occlusion and diffuse pass). Click on the image below to see the animated gif (be carefull the gif is huge and can slow down your computer if you havn't enought memory).

lundi 21 janvier 2008

VMD-gelato suite

The same as before, but in 1500x1500 and then upload on youtube....

vendredi 18 janvier 2008

vmd-gelato script for Molecular movie trajectories movie

I have adapted some part of the PMG code to get a litle script which permit to get automatically gelato movie from vmd. Here are exemples using 20 frames from a molecular dynamic. computation of ambiant occlusion take 3 min for each frame.(clic on the image to see the animation)

jeudi 10 janvier 2008

PMG vmd-gelato t_brown_sky

gelato ambiant occlusion

gelato shader dynamic
gelato multiply

PMG megapov